Thursday, April 13, 2006

Introductions part Deux

Well, what an experiment this will be. For those keeping score: The Stereotype is the moderate, rhythm Mission is our liberal and I, the Inebriated Scoundrel, am the conservative. It should make for a very interesting page. Witty banter, spirited arguments and heated debates are not only welcome but expected.

The topic is Apathy. I capitalize because it is currently of the utmost importance. In every conceivable situation, from the grave to the trivial, from the enrichment of uranium in Iran to the latest vote on American Idol, apathy is the enemy. I'm a big "Sopranos" fan. I am currently re-watching season four, and in the final episode of that season Carmella makes the statement to Tony, "More is lost by indecision than by wrong decision." This idea is at the heart of this page.

Have a liberal opinion, have a conservative opinion, have a moderate opinion. But be informed, and have an opinion. For most of you that read this blog, our years as opinion makers are only moments away. We (the twenty-somethings) are literally the future of this nation and world, and from cigarette brands to TV shows to Presidential candidates, we have to make choices. If you don't believe we have the ability to elect John McCain or John Edwards President then you are deluding yourself. There is a reason that Howard Dean went as far as he did in 2004 that reason is people just like you and me. Look at the recent election of House Majority Leader. The blogosphere was so opinionated that a dark horse ended up walking away with it. Voice is power. Never fail to use yours.

This is your home for those opinions. No value judgments, no name calling...Alright maybe a little name calling. But the point is we want to know what you think (and obviously we want you to know what we think). Please comment on any and all topics. Suggest future discussions and articles and let us know that we aren't the only ones that fear Apathy.

If you don't speak up, we all suffer.


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