Friday, August 04, 2006

The Old Self-Congratulatory Post

A big pat on the back to us, as we have recently crossed the 1500 views mark. Of course half of those are me reloading the page to see if my compatriots, Rhythm and Stereo have graced us with their presence (kidding guys). It seems that we (meaning literally the three of us, and more metaphorically our generation) have something to say. It also seems that some people want to read it. So kudos to us, and kudos to you. All of our regular commenters (I'd mention you by name, but then it would look like a short list) thanks, and for those that stop in but don't drop us a line, thanks for nothing! (Again kidding) We appreciate the reads, we appreciate the comments, but most of all we appreciate the forum.

The three of us all in one way or another, wish to be opinion makers someday. Rhythm is in the political world (impressive at his tender age). Stereo is quickly climbing the corporate ladder, but longs for a life as a film maker (he's already got the baseball hat). I am an aspiring (and apparently tireless) writer. Thanks for giving us a platform to ramble on. We've enjoyed bringing you our brand of commentary and satire, and hope you've enjoyed having it brought to you. Look forward to more posts (from people other than me) very soon, as Stereo embarks on a new job path allowing for more time wasted...I mean spent online.

Also, we (Stereo and Rogue) are sad to say that our friend and compatriot, Rhythm is currently (and for the foreseeable future) unable to post on even a semi-regular basis. Because of this development (and it's only because of his good fortune, job-wise), we are currently seeking a new collaborator.

It would be great to have a liberal minded writer to replace Rhythm, but political alliances are less important than good writing skills, and a desire (and the ability) to stay updated on current events. If you think you are the man/woman/interstellar intelligence for the job, leave us a comment or email us. I think it goes without saying that this is all for love, there is no money involved (although we throw a rockin' New Years Eve party!)

Most of all, just let me again say thank you, to Stereo who had the idea to begin with, to Rhythm for bringing the class, to all of you for showing the love (and the intelligence). Thanks.


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