Tuesday, July 18, 2006

israel's trump card

in case you haven't noticed, we have a pretty serious situation going on over in the middle east. israel is pissed and bombing lebanon (more specicically: hezbolah stongholds), and hezbolah is responding in kind. this was the subject of much of the g8 summit with tony blair and kofi annan suggesting the UN set up a perimeter to secure the israel-lebanon border. the US opposes this, one of their reasons being that UN peace-keeping forces are notoriously ineffective...that is when the US is not the majority contributor of personnel to that force, which we cannot logically be seeing as we are still involved in our ouwn situation down the road in iraq.

anyway, that's the stuff you probably already know.

what you might not remember is israel has nuclear weapons. yep, that's right. israel, a nation rated by the Failed State Index as borderline, has the bomb. how does that make you feel? the land of milk and honey may well be able to irradiate the entire middle east and in that possibly start world war 3. kind of scary.

personally i don't think israel will unleash their arsenal. i believe that this thing will be snuffed out by (of all things) diplomacy. the reason i allow my mind to drift into thoughts of doomsday is because i want to remind my friends, family, and fellow citizens that this is not just another mideast scirmish; this is some serious stuff. israel is a nuclear power, and that is why we all need to take notice when they get into any sort of altercation.


Blogger Daddy Rogue said...

Well, Stereo, I think you might have riled some people up a bit. I agree that this situation is ridiculously scary. I also think that we as a nation, and the UN as an international organization should impress upon ALL parties the danger of escalation.

I understand that an Israeli attack outside of Lebanon, say Syrian Terrorist camps, might inflame Iran (who has painted themselves into a corner with tough talk) to join the fray. This forces our hand, we of course weigh in with Israel (definately) with the help of Great Britian, (probably but not definately) with the help of Germany and France, and without any help (and maybe some hindrance from Russia and China. That looks an awful lot like WWII to me.

The problem is, Israel is (and has been for about six thousand years) under attack. Who are we to keep them from defending themselves. More importantly would we want too? They do have a right to the land they are on, and it wasn't them that picked this fight. I say we let them finish it. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 5:43:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Daddy Rogue said...

Incidentally, great site Canuck. It's nice to know that not only is the great government of the UK sensible (largely) about foreign policy, but some of its citizens are as well. Welcome to AaA from another conservative.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 5:52:00 PM EDT  
Blogger nicholas said...

Thanks for what there is of your comment, canuck. I would like to hear more of your opinion (that is, about the situation not my lousy posting). Thanks for reading, and welcome to AaA.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 6:03:00 PM EDT  

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