Thursday, June 29, 2006

Political Fatigue

I guess I'm just tired.

I'm tired of the government blaming the media (NYT, in particular) for promoting terrorism because they outed another government program, finance monitoring, which may or may not be illegal. At this point i don't really care, but if you're monitoring my finances, along with millions of others, please defend yourself with a more convincing statement then, "You media guys really shouldn't have done that." Defend it on its merits tell us a little about how this program has/is fighting terrorism--oh, and you might not want to mention those kids in Miami...they had no money and their only contact with a link to Al-Queda was the informant that turned them in...oh yeah, and they had no money or weapons. Another tactic would be to just deny it; I think I'm more for that than the loads of BS that are being shoveled into my ears by the government and media.

And I'm tired of partisanship (and, yes, I am fully aware that a level of partisanship is a vital component of our governing system, as well as a driving force on this site) I'm sick of conservatives using "liberal" as a curse word and vice versa. What does it even mean? Liberal? Conservative? I'm against an amendment to change our Constitution to ban gay marriage; I guess I'm a liberal. but wait, I think that every American citizen has the right to bear arms; I'm a conservative, right? I, and everybody, have views that are incongruent with party, you do...if you actually think about it.

Which brings me to my next point: I'm tired of people not thinking. And no, watching the news and reading newspapers and political blogs does not constitute thinking. when one thinks, he comes up with ideas that don't--no--cannot follow a party's lines (unless one forms a party of one, the one being the thinker...then I suppose your thoughts would be party lines...but I digress) because you are not your party. you are not obliged to represent at all times, at all costs the ideals of your party; your party is supposed to represent you, at least to a certain extent. here's my meaning: if you are reading this, you are not likely a paid politician, you aren't going to lose an endorsment or appointment by dissenting from the party line. so, if you're a Democrat that feels abortion is wrong, say it! If you are a Republican who thinks that a national amendment to ban gay marriage is undermining states rights, say it!

You have nothing to fear. What's the worst that can happen?


Blogger Daddy Rogue said...

I agree, Stereo. Political fatigue (I think) is to blame for the recent dearth of posts to this site. You and I (and most of our readers) spend vast amounts of everyday, watching CNN or FoxNews, reading the newspapers or online newssites. We have watched for months as over and over and over one side bashes the other and then the other swings back.

I'm tired, too. I don't know if my new article about third parties has any possiblity of coming true, but wouldn't it re-invigorate you? Wouldn't it get you excited again if there were new faces (or at least the more favorable old faces) in the news. Wouldn't it be fun to watch Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, Bill Frist and John Boehner all bash someone else for a change. Hell, I'd watch that. No, I'd VOTE for that!

It's nice to be back, Stereo!

Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 11:38:00 AM EDT  
Blogger nicholas said...

i do remember that was a good one. hopefully, the next administration will be more open to bipartisanship and more forthright with the people (or at least be able to keep its secrets better).

i'm still all over the political spectrum, depending on the issue. and there are still others i could careless about, which others seem to think are life-and-death (i.e. flag burning). anyway, glad to have you reading and posting, vershal. and we'll try to keep up the posting.

Saturday, July 1, 2006 at 3:03:00 PM EDT  

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