Friday, September 29, 2006

This Week's Top Stories: September 29, 2006

Al-Qaida's Second in Command Tells Bush, "Nah-Nah-Nah Nah-Bu-Bu!"

In, what is obviously, unbiased criticism Ayman al-Zawahri called President Bush a "lying failure" and a "charlatan" for his claims of success in the War on Terror. Zawahri says that al-Qaida is stronger than ever. Zawahri challenged Bush to be courageous and confront his people (that's us for those of you keeping score) with the truth about our losses in Iraq and Afghanistan. Zawarhri made this challenge on videotape, recorded at an undisclosed cave.

The President shouldn't feel too bad about Zawahri's remarks as the al-Qaida leader also called the Pope a "charlatan" for his negative comments about Islam. "This charlatan accused Islam of being incompatible with rationality while forgetting that his own Christianity is unacceptable to a sensible mind," Zawahri said, "and that is why we will continue to destroy these Christians with our own bodies if necessary." Yep, lots of rationality there, Ayman! Others outed as "charlatans" by Zawahri include (but are not limited to): Professional wrestling, Country singers Big and Rich, Pamela Anderson, Dave Chappelle and the creator of the Gilmore Girls (everybody knows Aaron Sorkin really wrote that show).

File This One Under "I Swear it Was Already Written!"

In a completely unrelated story, President Bush admitted there have been setbacks in the War on Terror. Where have we heard that before? Bush attacked those that claim America is less safe because of the war in Iraq, in remarks to a military crowd today, continuing his pre-election defense of his (and Congressional Republican's) handling of the War.

Bush claimed that those that say we are less safe because of our actions in Iraq and Afghanistan are buying into "the enemies propaganda." House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Chairman Howard Dean (always the voices of reason) described the President as "desperate" and "in denial." While it may seem odd that the President would admit shortcomings on the same day that a terrorist leader calls him a failure, I think it's political genius to put yourself on one side of an argument, and on the other side your political opponents and a terrorist leader. Way to go Bushy!

Won't Rhode Island Be Shocked!

A Massachussetts Judge decided today that a homosexual Rhode Island couple has the right to marry in Massachussetts, because their home state has no prohibitions against gay marriage. Gay marriage is not legal in Rhode Island (that's why the couple went to Massachussetts) but there is no constitutional amendment or statute specifically outlawing it. Mass. Governor Mitt Romney (who does not support same-sex marriage) had ordered local municipalities not to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples from out of state, citing a 1913 law that forbids out-of-state residents from marrying in Massachusetts if their marriage would not be allowed in their home state. Are we confused yet?

Superior Court Judge Thomas Connolly ruled that while Rhode Island's statutes governing marriage do use gender specific terms like "bride" and "groom" that it does not specifically outlaw gay marriage. Of course since Judge Connolly's court is in Massachusetts and not Rhode Island, the couple can get married, but they have no guarantee that the marriage will be recognized in their home state. In fact it is unlikely that it will since (as reported above) gay marriage isn't legal in Rhode Island.

Tired of Sleeping on the Couch, Congress and the President have Make-Up Legislation

You'll recall in the past couple of weeks, hearing about the President and Congress bitter feud over the detention, interrogation and prosecution of terror suspects. Well we're acting like it never even happened, and they're stronger than ever before! The bill (a compromise between the President's and Congressional Republicans original plans) is now awaiting the President's signature.

The President urged himself to sign the bill into law saying, "It's exactly the kind of legislation we need. It will help us prosecute terror suspects, and gain new information from future detainees. Any delay in signing the bill is uneccesary and costly. I urge me to sign this bill immediately." The President then left the podium a little confused. Let's hope he figures that one out and signs the bill quickly.

Now for something very unfunny

Sadly this week has brought not one, but two shooting incidents at our nations high schools. Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado, and The Weston School in Cazenovia, Wisconnsin were both host to gun violence this week. The first incident, in Colorado, concluded with two deaths (the middle-aged attacker and one of his hostages) and five teenage girls who, while being held hostage, were apparently sexually molested. The Wisconsin shooting claimed only one life (Weston School's Principal), the student responsible is now awaiting araignment.

It's been a while (but not nearly long enough) since we've seen school violence in this country. Death is always sad, but when young people lose their lives senselessly, or take the lives of others thus effectively ending their own, the sadness is multiplied. Our thoughts (and I'm sure those of our readers) are with the families and students affected at these two schools. While we pursue those that would harm us across the globe it is very sobering to see how many wish to harm us right here at home.

That's this weeks top stories. Thanks for checking out Apathy as Activism, and remember, if we don't laugh about it, we'd have to cry about it.


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