Iran Responds to Nuclear Program Demands, Forgets to Mention Nuclear Program
Umm. My buddy Ahmadenijad is up to some neat tricks in Iran. I can't believe I never thought of this when I was writing term papers. The Associated Press (our favorite source) is reporting that Tehran (that's the capital of Iran, for those playing the home game) has turned in it's official response to the Security Council's incentives for halting it's Uranium enrichment and Nuclear Power program, but somehow failed to mention halting it's Uranium enrichment. Genius.
While anonymous underlings, not authorized to discuss the counter-offer, have said that it will likely be rejected, the nations themselves (Germany, France, Russia, etc) have not thus far stated that it's unacceptable. I'm betting they give Iran an incomplete, and Iran scrapes by with some easy summer classes, never really making up the work it missed, but not having to pay the consequences either. Seriously it's just like High School!
I do not like our United Nations Ambassador. Bolton is rude, generally disliked, and a horrible diplomat. But in his defense, if I was Ambassador to the United Nations, it would be all I could do to keep from knocking heads. The organization is worse at enforcing it's rulings and missives than France is, and twice as likely to surrender. It's been mired for years in scandal but even if it were clean, it still pussyfoots around problems.
And now (if ever) is not a time to pussyfoot. As much as Europe should have been aware and involved during Hitler's rise to power in Germany and subsequent power grabs, the world needs to be aware and involved as Iran rises as THE power in the Middle East. If you've read any of my recent posts, then you know I fear Iran. More than North Korea, more than Iraq, more than "Snakes on a Plane"...but not more than I fear Sam Jackson.
Seriously, the United Nations and (more than that failed organization) the world community has got to hold Iran responsible. Don't rush into a war, but set realistic goals (item one: stop enriching uranium), set real deadlines (not deadlines that come and go without incident like the ones they set for Iraq), and hold them to it. If Iran continues on its path towards Nuclear Power, then sanction it to hell and back. And don't let Russia and China get away with circumventing those sanctions. If they don't want to play by the rules the rest of the world has agreed on, then they don't get to share our toys. It's time to choose sides and I'd rather they do it before we start shooting.
That's how things would work in a perfect world. Let me tell you will probably happen.
1. Iran will continue to stall and put off actual negotiations.
2. The UN will continue to allow deadline after deadline to pass with no real action.
3. The United States, mired in Iraq, Afghanistan and an upcoming election will be unable to exert any real pressure.
4. Iran will eventually achieve Nuclear Power and we will all be screwed.
Happy Thursday.
While anonymous underlings, not authorized to discuss the counter-offer, have said that it will likely be rejected, the nations themselves (Germany, France, Russia, etc) have not thus far stated that it's unacceptable. I'm betting they give Iran an incomplete, and Iran scrapes by with some easy summer classes, never really making up the work it missed, but not having to pay the consequences either. Seriously it's just like High School!
I do not like our United Nations Ambassador. Bolton is rude, generally disliked, and a horrible diplomat. But in his defense, if I was Ambassador to the United Nations, it would be all I could do to keep from knocking heads. The organization is worse at enforcing it's rulings and missives than France is, and twice as likely to surrender. It's been mired for years in scandal but even if it were clean, it still pussyfoots around problems.
And now (if ever) is not a time to pussyfoot. As much as Europe should have been aware and involved during Hitler's rise to power in Germany and subsequent power grabs, the world needs to be aware and involved as Iran rises as THE power in the Middle East. If you've read any of my recent posts, then you know I fear Iran. More than North Korea, more than Iraq, more than "Snakes on a Plane"...but not more than I fear Sam Jackson.
Seriously, the United Nations and (more than that failed organization) the world community has got to hold Iran responsible. Don't rush into a war, but set realistic goals (item one: stop enriching uranium), set real deadlines (not deadlines that come and go without incident like the ones they set for Iraq), and hold them to it. If Iran continues on its path towards Nuclear Power, then sanction it to hell and back. And don't let Russia and China get away with circumventing those sanctions. If they don't want to play by the rules the rest of the world has agreed on, then they don't get to share our toys. It's time to choose sides and I'd rather they do it before we start shooting.
That's how things would work in a perfect world. Let me tell you will probably happen.
1. Iran will continue to stall and put off actual negotiations.
2. The UN will continue to allow deadline after deadline to pass with no real action.
3. The United States, mired in Iraq, Afghanistan and an upcoming election will be unable to exert any real pressure.
4. Iran will eventually achieve Nuclear Power and we will all be screwed.
Happy Thursday.
snaps, man. snaps!
unless of course israel decides to lob one of their nukes over tehran's way.
israel: "want a nuke, iran? here you go. catch!"
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