Friday, September 08, 2006

This Week's Top Stories: September 8, 2006

Sorry for the tardiness of this post, Blogger was acting up. It's since been sent to its room without any supper or video games to think about what it did

Senate Report Shows the President's Assertion that Saddam and al-Qaida were Linked is False, Republicans say, "Nothing to See Here."

A new Senate report claims that not only were there no ties between former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida, but that Saddam viewed the terror network as a threat. Senate Democrats claim that even after multiple sources have disproved the connection of al-Qaida and Hussein, the President and his administration continues to use the falsehood to justify the current war in Iraq. Tony Snow, official White House Spokesman, had this to say, "So, what?" While the report may disprove a Saddam/Osama connection, it does nothing to dispel the President's latest theory which will be elaborated in his Monday night speech, commemorating the 9/11 tragedy. New evidence will be cited by President Bush that shows a connection between al-Qaida and Congressional Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi. An air assault on the Eighth Congressional District of California is expected early next week.

College Students Far To Busy to Protest War or Environmental Practices, Bring Down Their Wrath on Facebook

Social Networking website, Facebook, that caters to high school and college students, came under fire from those students this week for recent upgrades that included displaying the students actions to all others in their network. The Vice President shoots a man in the face and nothing, 2,000 plus soldiers die in an unpopular war and the pulse of America's youth remains calm, but screw with our internet, and we'll burn this son-of-a-bi*** down! I have never been prouder of my generation. In an open letter to the users of the site its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, said, "My bad!" A group of students protesting the recent additions described them as "creepy" and "Big Brother-ish." Taxpayers money well spent on those educations, wouldn't you say? Since the protest began, Facebook has implimented new privacy measures that allow users to opt out of the new features, "News Feed" and "Mini Feed" thus negating some of the "Big Brother-ish-ness" Benjamin Parr, the student who created the largest protest group, hopes that his peers can now focus their energy on more pressing issues, like getting iTunes to lower its prices, or upping the storage limit for Yahoo! email.

After 35,000 years of Male Fought Wars, Science Decides It's In Our Blood

From the desk of Captain Obvious comes new scientific findings that men may have developed a predisposition to warfare, that enables us to be better soldier's than women. Researchers at the University of Kent in southern England say that male psychology (not thousands of years of patriarchal rule) is the reason behind a male dominated military. It seems that men are more likely than women to volunteer for warfare, as well as support the warfare of their nation. Duh. It is currently unknown whether this "warrior effect" is at all linked to our desire to leave the toilet seat up, but I'm sure that millions of dollars of taxpayer's money will be spent to research the connection.

Independent Joe Defends His Eight Year Old Comment about President Clinton, Tells Rival Lamont to "Get Over It"

Sen. Joseph Lieberman defended his rebuke of former President Clinton after Democratic candidate, Ned Lamont, said it was a "spectacle." The "spectacle" that Lamont is referring to, is when in 1998 Lieberman was the first prominent Democrat to publicly rebuke President Clinton for his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Sen. Lieberman's statements at the time included this quote, "(I am) personally angry because Clinton had, by his disgraceful behavior, jeopardized his administration's historic record of accomplishment." Lamont contends that Lieberman should have backed his President and Party, and that an appropriate action would have been high fiving President Clinton, or remarking, "That's my boy!"

9/11 Film Fictionalizes and Distorts Truth, What Else is New?

ABC has a winner on their hands with a new miniseries set to premier this weekend, commemorating, and depicting the events of 9/11/01. The film (which claims to be based on the 9/11 Report) has Clinton staffers up in arms, as it apparently lays much of the blame for the attacks at the door of the Clinton administration. While a final version of the film is not available for review (it is still being edited, theoretically to correct some of the misrepresentations), several critics have viewed a version of the film and describe it as roughly as entertaining as a four hour version of "Van Wilder."
ABC may get off the hook with little fallout, though as the President has asked for time Monday evening (during which the final portion of the film is scheduled to run) for a speech, commemorating the anniversary of 9/11 and discussing the continuing war on terror. This may be the only time in history that a Bush will save a Clinton.

That, my friends, is all the news that's fit to print, or more truthfully, all the news I decided to dissect. Enjoy your weekend, and look forward to a 9/11 retrospective piece posted sometime before Monday. Just remember, if we don't laugh at it, we'd have to cry about it.


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